Online Community
2020 Scholarly Writing for Conservation
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This session will cover a variety of topics on scholarly writing and publishing in a panel format, with discussion and Q&A at the end.
- Julio M. del Hoyo, Editor-in-Chief will present an overview of JAIC, including aims and scope of the journal, how to prepare and format your article, and offer a pre-submission checklist.
- Suzanne Davis, AIC's Vice President, and Corina Rogge, JAIC Associate Editor, will present “The ethics of authorship, acknowledgements, and credit.” They will cover issues of authorship and acknowledgements; responsibilities of authorship: the roles and obligations of first authors and co-authors; and professional recourses: what to do if your work has been plagiarized, used without appropriate credit, or submitted under your name without your review.
- Catherine Stephens, JAIC Associate Editor, will cover “Writing Style.” She will discuss the foundational aspects of figures, tables, and images; the importance of a clearly written abstract; and the physical layout of your article.
- Robin Hanson, JAIC Associate Editor, will present “The Mechanics of Writing for JAIC, ” including the use of citations in a scholarly work, image permissions, and transitioning a paper from a Specialty Group Postprint to JAIC.
- George Cooper, Managing Editor, Journals Anthropology, Conservation, Museum Studies & Heritage at Taylor & Francis, will share “How to publish an article with 'impact.'” He will discuss how to get published, the benefits of being published, and innovative tools available to promote your accepted article.
- Lastly, Heidi Lowther, Commissioning Editor for conservation books at Routledge, will briefly discuss “Tips on how to publish your first book.”
We will hold time for discussion and Q&A at the end of the session.
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Please look at handouts for more information about this session.