Closing Conservation’s Narrative Gap: Sharing Stories of Insight, Change and Impact

Includes a Live Web Event on 11/15/2024 at 1:00 PM (EST)

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Closing Conservation’s Narrative Gap: Sharing Stories of Insight, Change and Impact

Friday, November 15, 2024

Time: 10 AM – 2 PM PST/12 PM -2 PM CST/1 PM – 3 PM EST


The strong societal impact of storytelling is evident by the fact that narratives permeate every aspect of the shared human experience, from myth and legend to cinema, news, everyday conversations, and even conservation. Between 2020 and 2022, our field invested a lot of time sharing stories and statements about persistent barriers and commitments to advancing greater diversity, equity and inclusion. Since then, priorities have shifted.

If impact and change happen at the personal, organizational and systemic levels, then how are we continuing to share our stories of advancing conservation’s importance in our field, while weaving in our commitment to advancing greater equity and inclusion?

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools that we have at our disposal. This 2-hour interactive workshop will explore approaches and elements of effective storytelling that weaves understanding, valuing and engagement in conservation together with a sustained commitment to greater diversity, equity and inclusion.

Our Time Together Will Touch Upon the Following:  

  1. Overview of AIC’s Commitment to Advancing Greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    • Leadership presents on AIC’s steadfastness of this work
  2. Storytelling Approaches
    • A look behind the conservation curtain
    • Bringing conservation to life through context, emotional connection, understanding and engagement (including donor engagement)
    • You gotta see it to believe it! Sharing the work and pathways careers in conservation.
  3. Centering the Relational: Story Telling Essentials
    • Shared Language: Words can heal and harm. How are the tools of language and data supporting or limiting us? Can we share the importance of our work and its value in words that mean something to someone outside of our field?
    • Working through Conflict/Appreciating Our Magic: Every good story has a protagonist, antagonist, conflict and resolution of sorts. Don’t be afraid of the human element in the work and the magic that four archetypes in conflict can bring in creating deeper, more sustainable and impactful change.
    • What do Healthy Partnerships Look Like? We partner with clients, co-workers, communities and other institutions. How do we center the communities we seek to build relationships with? Every point of engagement is an opportunity to build or break trust.

PDFs of the presentation and additional resources will be shared post workshop.

This event is hosted by AIC's Equity & Inclusion Committee and is supported in FULL by members who contributed to the DEIA project sponsorship. 

Evonne Gallardo

Senior Vice Program Director

Community Partners

Evonne Gallardo is a Senior Vice Program Director for Community Partners—a Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization committed to an equitable, thriving, and inclusive society. Evonne leads intermediary partnerships that regrant funding for artists and arts and culture organizations working at the intersections of social justice in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Evonne also consults institutions to advance artists and arts organizations and has held leadership positions in museums, community-based art centers, and artist-led ventures. With over 20 years of hands-on experience, her areas of focus lie in funding and program development, strategic planning, community engagement, and cultural equity and inclusion strategies. Evonne received a B.A. in American History from Columbia University and an M.A. in the Sociology of Art from the New School for Social Research in New York. Evonne serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures. 


Cultural Equity Training Session
11/15/2024 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  120 minutes
11/15/2024 at 1:00 PM (EST)  |  120 minutes