Conservation Science Tutorials

With the support of the Getty Foundation, FAIC has created a series of self-paced modules that review key science principles in conservation. The modules are designed to:

  • help mid-career conservators refresh their knowledge
  • prepare participants for workshops on specific topics
  • assist students about to enter a graduate conservation program

Modules in the series include the following, which may be accessed in any order:

  • Adhesion
  • Analytical techniques
  • Arrhenius equation
  • Color 
  • Enzymes
  • Redox reactions
  • Refraction and reflection
  • Relative humidity
  • Safety in the laboratory
  • Soaps, surfactants, and detergents
  • Statistics
  • Teas chart
  • Weights and measures

Each tutorial includes suggested readings, which might be helpful to review in advance of beginning the tutorial.

Registration is FREE, but you must log in to register (if you do not already have an account with F/AIC, you can you create one for free by following the Log In button in the upper right corner.

The tutorials were researched and written by Sheila Fairbrass Siegler

Instructional Design by Cyrelle Gerson of Webucate Us

Project Management by Eric Pourchot

Special thanks to members of the Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation (ANAGPIC) and the AIC Board of Directors for reviewing these materials.

This project was conceived at a Directors Retreat organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and was developed with grant funding from the Getty Foundation.

Converted to HTML5 by Avery Bazemore in 2020


Conservation Science Tutorials
Select the "Begin" button to begin.
Select the "Begin" button to begin. Note: if a quiz question asks for more than one answer choice, it will be marked as "incorrect" unless you select ALL correct answers