Preventive Care Network: Virtual Happy Hour for Emerging Professionals

Join us for a winter event for students and emerging professionals interested in pursuing preventive conservation.

Julie Kowalsky

Director of Collections and Exhibits

National Museum of the United States Navy

Co-author of the white paper- Cultural Heritage Emergency Preparedness and Response: Guidelines for the OEHS Professional.

Samantha Forsko

Head Registrar

Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago

Samantha Forsko is currently the Head Registrar at the Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago. She has 15 years of experience working with collecting institutions across the United States to improve preservation practices and support conservation and collections care through institutional planning. In addition to numerous papers, advisories, and teaching and speaking engagements, Samantha has completed nearly 50 assessments for libraries, museums, archives, and other historic sites across nearly 40 of the United States.

Much of Samantha’s work has focused on making best practices in collections care and registration accessible and achievable, drawing on her deep experience caring for collections, managing high-level loans, leading teams of staff and contractors, implementing large-scale collection moves, and shaping strategic plans and processes. Prior roles include director of collections at the Art Institute of Chicago, collections manager at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and preservation specialist at the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts.

Samantha is a current board member and former Vice President of the Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS), an active member of the American Association of State and Local History (AASLH)’s Field Services Alliance, and a collections assessor for the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC). Samantha holds a BA in Art History, with minors in Studio Art and Chemistry, from Willamette University, and an MA in Arts Management, specializing in archival and museum studies, from Claremont Graduate University. Additionally, she studied painting conservation at Studio Art Centers International in Florence, Italy.

Dyani Feige

Director of Preservation Services

Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)

DyaniFeige, Director of Preservation Services at the Conservation Center for Art& Historic Artifacts (CCAHA), works with libraries, archives, museums, andother cultural organizations to conduct needs and risk assessments, assist indisaster planning, and help develop policy and planning documents forcollections. She also develops and presents education programs on preservationand conservation concerns. Before joining the staff of CCAHA in 2010 asPreservation Specialist, Dyani worked in the Brooklyn Museum Libraries &Archives. She has also worked in the New York Public Library’s PreservationDivision; for the Conference Board; and in the Special Collections &Archives at Kent State University. Dyani received her MS in Library andInformation Science with a Certificate in Archives at Pratt Institute and herBM in Music Business from New York University. She is a recognized DigitalArchives Specialist through the Society of American Archivists.

Sarah Freshnock

Preventive Conservator

Walters Art Museum

Sarah Freshnock is the Preventive Conservator at the Walters Art Museum. She graduated from the Winterthur University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation with a specialization in preventive conservation. During graduate school she held internships in museums, historic homes, regional centers, and research labs, which led to her passion for context driven sustainable preventive conservation. At the Walters, Sarah is responsible for environmental monitoring, integrated pest management, materials testing, and microclimates, as well as other ongoing preventive projects such as surveys, gallery maintenance, and storage projects. Outside of the museum Sarah enjoys playing pickleball, weightlifting, and baking tasty treats.

Feel free to reach out!


Virtual Happy Hour for Emerging Professionals
01/17/2024 at 4:00 PM (EST)  |  120 minutes
01/17/2024 at 4:00 PM (EST)  |  120 minutes Our panelists will talk to students about their roles as preventive care professionals in their respective institutions, and how they got into their current positions. They come from diverse backgrounds, and we are hoping to include students not only from traditional conservation programs, but also museum studies, and library and archives programs. Each panelist will introduce themselves and their work in preventive conservation, and then answer questions in an informal setting. We welcome questions to be submitted to our panel ahead of time, please email them to