The Printed Photograph: Richard Benson’s Process Work

  • Registration Closed

Wednesday, September 25, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Led by Judy Ditner and Carl Fuldner

Starting in the 1970s, Richard Benson (1943-2017) set a new standard as printer for reproducing photographs in books and exhibition catalogues. Benson’s work as a process printer appears in many landmark photobooks and exhibition catalogues, which shaped how an entire generation encountered photography and its history. Benson was also an inventive photographer in his own right. His knowledge of historical printing processes (set down in his 2008 book The Printed Picture) was encyclopedic, and yet he was forever seeking out and adapting the newest, cutting-edge technologies to perfect the presentation of his work. What lessons do Benson’s innovations, especially the more recent ones, offer to our digital present?


Program Information
Return to Material Immaterial: Photographs in the 21st Century program.